ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Sample MF NOMAD Code ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ PURPOSE: This directory contains sample code from the session "Still More Mainframe Windows Techniques" at the 1995 NOMAD Training Conference. The code is intended to provide examples for NOMAD users and, in some cases, may provide directly usable programs. SUPPORT: None of the samples on this diskette are supported by Thomson Software Products or its employees. ORGANIZATION: This directory contains the following subdirectories: CONNECT .... Samples showing scrolling "connected" arrays MENUS .... Samples extracted from a MF Assistant prototype showing data-driven menus WSTICKY .... Samples extracted from the NOMAD Collection V6.0 showing pop-up lists for MEMBERed fields WCHOICE .... Code provided by Dan Bertuleit, Bank of America, that extents the WSTICKY concept to encoded fields. WINPRINT.... A sample showing iterative use of WINDOW PRINT EXECUTION: The samples is CONNECT and WSTICKY are ready-to run. The other samples either require setup to run, or provided merely as templates or idea generators. Tom Ramsberger April 1995